At J.R. Perkins Heating & Cooling, we find that one of the often
overlooked aspects of pet ownership (or pet parenthood, if you prefer) is the
amount of hair and dander that animals can produce. This is a problem with the
most common household pets: dogs and cats. Hair and dander can vary
dramatically between breeds, but are still major household problems in most
cases. It can have a significant impact on a home's indoor air quality
and an equally significant impact on its air conditioner. If you are a pet
owner, you can help to protect your air conditioning unit and other parts of
your HVAC system by following these steps:
Bathe and Groom your Pets Regularly
Bathing and grooming are important for your pets' wellbeing but it is
important for your HVAC system as well. It can help to control the amount of
hair that the animal sheds and which can end up inside your air conditioner.
Change or Clean your Filters More Frequently
The most common recommendation our team at J.R. Perkins Heating &
Cooling offers for homeowners regarding filter-changing schedules is to do it
monthly. If you have a pet that sheds a lot (or multiple hairy pets) you may
want to shorten the length of time you go without changing or cleaning your
filter. Clogged filters increase energy costs and can cause your system to
break down.
Brush your Pets Outdoors
Brushing pets inside will result in the dispersal of filter-clogging hair
and dander throughout the rooms in your home. Even if you vacuum some of it up,
you will never get all of it. What escapes will eventually make its way into
your HVAC
system and may cause issues.
Even if you clean your home frequently, you should still have your HVAC
system inspected by professionals on a regular basis. Contact us by calling
(480) 422-4437 or visit our website at We serve the East
Valley area (Phoenix, and more specifically Scottsdale) and can help you to
keep your HVAC system running smoothly even with pets in your household.